Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child need to have music experience to join?
No, we welcome new members from the ages of 8-18 with any skill level.
What kind of time commitment should we expect?
Members have a group practice every Monday year round. Members are expected to practice their music at home throughout the week. There will be travel outside the local area 3-4 times a year.
What are my out of pocket costs?
There are no membership dues. Initial members will be given a plastic instrument free of charge. No monthly fees. Fife Members will have a small cost after 30 songs when they receive their own personal wooden fife to keep. This cost can be offset by fundraising. Instruction and initial instrument costs are free of charge. Families will incur a hotel cost when traveling to away performances.
When can we join?
There is a new member callout every January. Please view details about the upcoming callout event here.
How can I book VAFDC for my event?
Please send us a message.