
The Voyageur Ancient Fife and Drum Corps is a period accurate musical group comprised of youth from the Lafayette area, ages eight to eighteen.

  • Originally formed in 1971 to acquaint young people with music, marching, and for the preservation of the ancient art of fifing and drumming, the Corps continues to perform at reenactment events, keeping the history of America alive.

    The Corps was the first Junior Corps in the Midwestern United States, and it continues to raise up new fifers and drummers to this day.

  • The Corps provides a supportive environment for those who are interested in a history-focused performing music group. Students can come with limited music knowledge to learn from peers and adults how to play their instrument, how to march in formation, and how to communicate with the public about the history of the Voyageurs and fifing and drumming.

    As students progress, they take on leadership roles in the Corps, teaching and leading other members during practices and performances.

    In addition to the historical music and leadership experience, the children represent their community through living history festivals like the Feast of the Hunter’s Moon, from Vincennes to Fort Wayne. The Voyageurs have been a highlight of these festivals for over 50 years, inspiring both young and old alike as they connect history to the present day through the language of music. They perform for large crowds at numerous shows and cultivate a love of history and art. The children memorize all the music, march and respond to commands in French, and learn what it means to be part of a historical musical community.

    Through their hard work and dedication, the children bring history to life in an experiential way that is accessible to all.

  • The Corps members dress in handcrafted uniforms modeled after the French Canadian fur traders who traveled down the Wabash River to trade with Indigenous peoples near Fort Ouiatenon.

    The Corps members play period accurate fifes and drums, bringing history to life through the same sounds as heard in America in the 1700s. The students learn traditional fife and drum songs from the era, songs passed down for generations and still played across the country.